Tag Archives: blogging

Visiting with Stephen Leigh!

Today I am blogging at the site of Stephen Leigh, who is a terrific fantasy writer and one of the nicest people I have met in my nearly 20 years in this business. Stephen invited me to his site to help me promote Spell Blind, the first book in the Case Files of Justis Fearsson, and he asked me to write about the differences between writing historical urban fantasy (The Thieftaker Chronicles, which I write as D.B. Jackson) and this new contemporary urban fantasy. And so, we have a new post about point of view, character, and narrative.  The post can be found here. I hope you enjoy it.

Guest Blogging Today at the site of Mary Robinette Kowal!

Today I have a post up at the website of my good friend Mary Robinette Kowal, as part of her “My Favorite Bit” feature. As I note in the opening, I have done several “Favorite Bit” posts in the past as my various Thieftaker novels have come out. Today’s post is about Spell Blind, the first book in the Case Files of Justis Fearsson, which came out earlier this week, and it discusses the twisted, even tortured history of the book as it went through rewrites and re-imaginings. I hope you enjoy the post, which can be found here.

Release Day for SPELL BLIND!!

Today is release day for Spell Blind, the first book in my new contemporary urban fantasy from Baen Books, the Case Files of Justis Fearsson. This release has been a long time in coming, and I really could not be happier to see the book in print.

To mark the occasion, I have a post up at Magical Words called “Release Day and Defining Success.” It’s about taking satisfaction in our writing achievements while also remaining ambitious and pursuing ever-greater goals. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you will go out, buy a copy of Spell Blind, and enjoy that, too.  Thanks!

A Post About Opening Passages, at Magical Words

Today’s post in the unofficial Spell Blind Winter 2014-15 Blog Tour can be found over at Magical Words. The post is called “Openings, Hooks, and Breaking Rules,” and it breaks down the opening passages of Spell Blind, the first book in the Case Files of Justis Fearsson, the new urban fantasy series I’m writing for Baen Books.

I had certain goals for those opening lines, as all writers do for their openings, and I discuss those in depth in this post. The post can be found here. I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful.

The New www.DavidBCoe.com is Open for Business!


I am very pleased to welcome you all to the Grand Opening of my new and improved website! This rework of the site was inspired by the impending publication of Spell Blind, the first book in the Case Files of Justis Fearsson, my new contemporary urban fantasy series, which will be published by Baen Books. Spell Blind hits the shelves on January 6.

I hope you’ll check out the site, which includes sample chapters of not only the new book but also novels from my backlist, as well as this blog, where I’ll be posting news and essays about writing and publishing, and an updated events calendar for 2015. There are even links to the D.B. Jackson website. I plan to add other pages as well, but they’re not ready yet.

On the other hand, as you can see, I’ve got some doodads and doohickeys in place that make the site look pretty spiffy.  I want to thank the great tech guys at Sff.net for their help with the site (Steve, I’m looking at you), as well as my friend and code sensei, Tim Rohr. (Link provided so you can check out Tim’s writing!)