Professional Wednesday: My DragonCon Schedule!!

I will be heading to Atlanta tomorrow for DragonCon, and I am very excited, as I am every year as this event approaches. For those of you searching for me in the program, I am listed as D.B. Jackson, which makes me a bit trickier to find. So here is my schedule, in all its hectic glory! Hope to see many of you there this weekend!!

Please note, in addition to the items listed below, I will also be selling books at the Fantasy Gather on Friday night in the International Ballroom of the Hyatt. That event will run for much of the night and while I will have to duck out for my 8:30 panel, I will be there for the balance of the evening!

And note as well that I will also be signing books on Sunday at 6:00pm in the dealers’ hall at The Missing Volume!!

Title: Wizard of Oz 85th Anniversary

Time: Fri 11:30 am Location: L401-L403 Marriott (Length:1 Hour)
Description: It’s been almost a century since MGM’s tornado ripped through Kansas & whisked Judy Garland away to the Technicolor land of Oz. Join us for a retrospective on this cinema classic.
Panelists: Jer Alford(M), Ed Greenwood, D.B. Jackson, Brian D. Anderson, Violette L Meier


Title: Irish Mythology

Time: Fri 02:30 pm Location: L401-L403 Marriott (Length:1 Hour)
Description: The myths & legends of the indigenous Irish are some of the best preserved Celtic mythology we know of. Full of warrior kings, monsters, & gods, Irish mythology has influenced High Fantasy for centuries.
Panelists: Ryan Cahill, Bethany DJ Kesler(M), D.B. Jackson, Daniel Schinhofen, Constance G.J. Wagner


Title: Cooking with Science: Apple+ TV’s Lessons in Chemistry *Spoiler Alert*

Time: Fri 05:30 pm Location: Augusta Courtland Grand (Length:1 Hour)
Description: In Lessons in Chemistry, chemist Elizabeth Zott (played by Brie Larson) starts her own cooking show, which also educates its viewers on science. Our panelists will discuss the miniseries, how it’s different from the book, and the true history behind the story.
Panelists: D.B. Jackson, Mel Todd, Stuart Jaffe, Jenna Johnson(M), Jeni Green


Title: Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf

Time: Fri 08:30 pm Location: L401-L403 Marriott (Length:1 Hour)
Description: Toss a coin to the protagonist of the Witcher franchise of books, games, & television adaptions. Inspired by Slavic mythology, Geralt wanders the Continent slaying monsters & solving problems.
Panelists: JM Paquette, D.B. Jackson, Kevin A. Davis, Rebecca Fant(M)


Title: A Song of Historical Inspirations

Time: Sat 10:00 am Location: L401-L403 Marriott (Length:1 Hour)
Description: While most High Fantasy is inspired by myths & legends, GRRM takes the unusual step of basing his stories on the real & very bloody histories of European monarchies.
Panelists: Jennifer Liang(M), D.B. Jackson, Milton J. Davis, Courtenay Cody


Title: The Adventure Begins

Time: Sat 05:30 pm Location: Embassy EF Hyatt (Length:1 Hour)
Description: New writers always ask, ‘Where do you get your ideas?’ Or ‘How do I get started writing a book or story?’ The years of experience racked up by our panel discussion will answer some of these questions – and more.
Panelists: Bill Fawcett(M), D.B. Jackson, Elizabeth Donald, Richard Fierce, James Palmer, Todd J McCaffrey


Title: Astronomical Phenomena in High Fantasy

Time: Sat 08:30 pm Location: L401-L403 Marriott (Length:1 Hour)
Description: Explore how stars, moons, & cosmic events shape fantastical worlds, influence cultures, & drive narratives in literature.
Panelists: Roy Kilgard, Bethany DJ Kesler(M), DL Wainright, Constance G.J. Wagner, D.B. Jackson


Title: Magical Artifacts & Items of Power

Time: Sun 10:00 am Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin (Length:1 Hour)
Description: Artifacts & imbued items have long been a staple of fantasy. Our panelists will discuss how they use this feature within their own work & how it has evolved over time.
Panelists: Jim Butcher, Richard Kadrey, Rachel Rener, D.B. Jackson, Carol Malcolm(M), Andrea Stewart


Title: Who Told the Characters They Could Do That?

Time: Sun 02:30 pm Location: Embassy EF Hyatt (Length:1 Hour)
Description: Are your characters driving the action in your books/stories? Should they be? Who’s the boss here, anyway?
Panelists: D.B. Jackson(M), Matt Dinniman, J.D. Blackrose, Stacey Rourke, S. L. Rowland, Tamsin L. Silver


Title: Favors, Bargains, & Schemes: The Fae in UF

Time: Sun 08:30 pm Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin (Length:1 Hour)
Description: In folklore & contemporary fiction, the Fae take various forms & have a wide range of characteristics & goals. Our panel of authors will discuss the depictions used in their work & how the variety of traits & features led to their choices.
Panelists: Sarah J. Sover, Jim Butcher, Rachel Rener, D.B. Jackson, Jennifer Blackstream, Carol Malcolm(M)